Clinical Trials & COVID-19

About Clinical Research

What Are Clinical Research Studies?

Clinical research studies help scientists and doctors determine whether an investigational strategy, drug, or device is safe and effective against a specific condition or disease in humans. Before a new drug or device can be prescribed for a specific condition, it must go through several phases of clinical research. Clinical research studies are the only way treatments can be developed to improve patient care.

Why Do People Participate in Clinical Research Studies?

People participate in clinical research studies for different reasons. Some may participate because they want to learn more about their disease. Others volunteer to participate because they want to help researchers learn more about a disease to potentially help themselves and others in the future.

The data being gathered from the Symmetry clinical research study may one day help to improve your health and the way people receive care for NASH in the future.

Are Clinical Research Studies Safe?

Clinical research studies follow a specific set of standards. They are closely regulated to help keep all participants safe.

Each clinical research study is reviewed by an independent review board (IRB), which helps ensure that the study is conducted safely and that the rights of participants are protected. Clinical research studies are conducted by qualified and experienced medical professionals who monitor the health of participants throughout the study.

What if I Have Questions during the Symmetry Study?

You can ask questions of the study team at any time before, during, and after the study. Before agreeing to participate, make sure that you understand the responsibilities of study participants. If you have any concerns about participating in the study, you should feel comfortable discussing them with a member of the study staff at any time.

Can I Leave the Study Once It Has Started?

Study participation is completely voluntary. You do not need to take part in the study and you can end your participation at any time, for any reason. If you think you would like to stop participating in the study, talk to the study staff. If you decide to leave the study early, the study staff may ask that you return to the study clinic for a final visit to ensure your health and safety. There will be no negative impact on future care you receive.

Can I See My Regular Doctor, or Other Doctors, during the Study?

You can visit any doctor to meet your health needs during this NASH study. There are no restrictions on which doctors you can visit. You will be responsible for any costs associated with your medical care that are not related to the study. You should let your study doctor know that you will be seeing another doctor and if any other medication has been prescribed. You should also let your other doctors know that you are participating in a NASH clinical research study. However, you may not join any other clinical research studies while participating in this study.